Langley Memorial Hospital Foundation & Northwest

Langley Memorial Hospital Foundation & Northwest

“Because of the Foundation’s donation, we have equipment that would have been difficult to afford through regular funding. It’s so important that we have the state-of-the-art technology and equipment so I can offer the absolute best care to every patient. Donors make that possible.”

— Dr. Carolyn Anderson, Ophthalmologist at Langley Memorial Hospital

The Langley Memorial Hospital Foundation was founded to support the hospital’s most urgent needs, and in the process, save lives. The Foundation finances the purchase of new hospital equipment, clinical staff education programs and critical patient comforts. In addition, this invaluable organization raises funds for special projects including hospital expansions.

This year, Langley Memorial is breaking ground on a new Emergency Department. In conjunction with Fraser Health, the Foundation is backing the development of the new department as well as an additional MRI Suite. These facilities are essential to supporting the growth of the community.

“As Langley continues to grow and thrive, hospital services must keep up to the increasing demand for emergency services,” said Adrian Dix, Minister of Health.

With the government’s investment and the Langley Memorial Hospital Foundation’s help, this project is officially underway ensuring that patients will have access to the emergency health care they need. To find out how you can support this project, visit this page.

Northwest is proud to support the Langley Memorial Hospital Foundation through legacy giving and special project funding. In 2018, Northwest provided the Foundation with funds to purchase equipment for the hospital’s neonatal intensive care unit. The unit invested those funds in NeoPuffs, a system that allows care providers to give better ventilation to newborn babies unable to breathe on their own.

“Simply put, NeoPuffs will save lives,” said Langley Memorial’s Patient Care Coordinator.

Community and family are central to everything we do here at Northwest. Supporting the Langley Memorial Hospital Foundation is another way for us to give back and contribute to better patient care for local families.

To learn how you can contribute to the Langley Memorial Hospital Foundation, click here.

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