We are happy to announce the winners of the 2021 Education Fund! These four members of the Northwest Tank Lines family are exceptional students, and we are excited to be able to help them achieve their dreams as they continue their educational journeys.

Meet Our Northwest Education Fund Winners and hear what the scholarship means to them:


Ashleigh Barclay

It is so special to win this scholarship because I will be able to put all my time and energy into my last education practicum before I graduate this April. I will be in a Calgary grade 1 classroom with 22 wonderful students that have many unique needs. This scholarship will allow me to not have to work in the evenings after I am in the classroom all day! I am grateful for the opportunity to fully invest in my grade 1 students and my education.


Hang Xin Ye

I am currently in my second year studying computer science at the University of Waterloo. Winning this scholarship helps me pay for my tuition and lifts a great deal of stress from my shoulders, allowing me to focus on my studies.


Matthew Neufeld

My name is Matthew, and I’m in my first year at the University of Alberta majoring in Computer Science. In my free time, I love spending time with my friends and family. Winning this scholarship is a huge deal as it will help greatly in covering my tuition. I give my biggest thanks to Northwest Tank Lines for the support in the pursuit of my education!


Mandy Armstrong-Singer

Hello, my name is Mandy Armstrong-Singer and my grandfather Lee Armstrong works for Northwest Tank Lines and he encouraged me to apply for this scholarship. I am an English major minoring in Theatre at Acadia University. I am studying to become a secondary school teacher because I am passionate about teaching the next generation right. Winning this scholarship means that I can pursue my dream career without having to worry about financial issues in order to complete my education. I sincerely want to thank my grandfather as well as everyone involved in this process because it means the world to me!

From all of us at Northwest, we would like to say thank you for all of those that applied, and want to wish our winners, Ashleigh, Hang Xin, Matthew and Mandy, a big congratulations again!

Applications for the next scholarship are now open!

The next scholarship deadline is January 15th, 2022. The Education Fund can have a positive impact on your family member’s educational pursuits, so we strongly encourage everyone to apply.

This program is tailored to supporting the evolving needs of today’s students and can be applied to any full-time or part-time post-secondary education in Canada or the United States.

Are you ready to see how an Education Fund scholarship can change your family’s life? Learn more and apply here!

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